Saturday, January 23, 2010

Welcome to 0-10.

Welp, I haven't started the year so great with my bloggin... but its ok. We haven't been up to anything to exciting. Bobby has been studying like crazy for his CPA tests. He's taken 2, gotten the results for 1 (he passed :D) and is signed up for the 3rd. So needless to say he's been busy. I just started my second semester at Sierra College and I'm taking Pyschology and History. I got A's in both classes last semester but I sorta feel like going out on top and retiring from school. Ha. I admire people who work and go to school (like Bob). But I just sometimes like to do nothing when I'm not at work... call me lazy, call me unmotivated, but at least I know what I want to do... haha. Don't worry, I wont quit. OH!!! We saw Avatar, AWESOME MOVIE!! (dont tell me that its political cuz I dont care) Hope everyone's year is off to a good start!

1 comment:

Mark & Shalon said...

i didn't know you were going to school. wow. i'm impressed. i couldn't do it. also, i saw avatar because of you. loved it! and we saw it in imax 3d...totally worth the extra money.