Sunday, January 2, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New 2011!!!

We had wonderful Christmas this year. We looked at Christmas lights with our friends Melissa and Derek. I went to my annual work Christmas party at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse (DE-LISH!) and we got our $10 Wise Buys Christmas Tree. :D Ellen and Josh came to visit for Christmas which was fun. We went to Grandma Shirley's for Christmas Eve which was fun as usual and Grandma Shirley, who is the hippest Grandma ever got an iPad from every one! She was so excited! It was adorable! Then we read The Best Christmas Pagent Ever with the Davis'. Christmas morning started bright and early and Bob and I opened our gifts to each other, Bobby got us an xbox Kinect! Its sooo much fun! I got Bobby a new lawn mower. And there were lots of other fun gifts. We spent the day between the Davis' and the Green's. Yummy breakfast with my fam and lunch with the greens. Then of course Jack-In-the-Box with the davis' to round the day out. We ate a lot that day! It was awesome! New Year's was pretty low key for us. We went to Red Robin for dinner with Kim and Justin and then just played games and watched Despicable Me (which included all of us falling asleep...) but we woke up in time for midnight! Ha! Hopefully this year brings lots of excitement and things for us! OHHHH!!!!!! BEST NEWS EVER! Bobby got hired for an accounting job! YAYAYAYAYAY! SO happy! Its at Gilbert and Associates CPA! He's going to be working with his brother in law too which is way cool! He is sooo excited! Adios Safeway! Hello Gilbert! :D HaPPPy New YEar Everyone!


Ellen D. said...

Dr. matt looks like a PIMP with all you ladies ;)

Liz said...

He is our pimp. haha.