Wednesday, November 4, 2009

All Kinds of goods!!

Ok! So this is a gigantic post.... Sorry. Ha.
Well the night before Halloweeny Bobby and I dressed up as Nerds for Katie, Jo, Kim and Justin's Ward Party. Bobby said quote "I'm gonna hate every minute of this" cuz his costume was pretty nerdy. The shirt is thanks to Ev. But he had a ton of fun!!! We all were quite the hit as the nerd herd. Katie got us the sweet glow-in-the-dark glasses at the dollar store.
Bobby and I are both taking vacation time this week and decided we need to venture on down the coast. On Monday morning we drove straight down to Santa Cruz's Mystery Spot. I drove the whoooooole way so Bobby could sit in the back and study (I know...I'm such a good wife). The Mystery Spot was really neat! But we decided it was a once in 10 years type of thing. From there we went straight to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We really enjoyed all the sea life and little exhibits. We saw an Albatross up close and personal and learned about these birds that are often mistaken for seagulls. We watched penguins be fed. We saw a young shark, learned about The Deep sea and the under water canyon that starts in the Monterey Bay. We watched a scuba diver go into the Kelp Forest tank and hand feed all the fish!!! It was super cool. Did I mention we saw a a shark....all Bobby could talk about was the Great White Shark, which was kind of a dud for me. They only keep young shark there and it was SMALL! ha. I guess you can't keep a huge shark in a lil aquarium. But all in all the aquarium was awesome! We ate Denny's for dinner cuz we wanted something classy... haha. It was across the street from our hotel. :D The next morning we packed up and drove to the 17 mile drive. Super pretty drive but really confusing. I was once again driving and got a little frustrated at the road. We got an ocean view to die for (sorry no pics, this is when I was "frustrated"). The houses on the road are AMAZING!!!! Literally castles. From there we went up to San Fran. We took a boat ride to Alcatraz. This was a really neat experience. I really can't describe it! I think you should all go there!! Its worth it!!! We had a nice time getting away and hope we go on another fun trip soon!!


Kimberly & Justin said...

YAY!!! I'm so glad you guys had fun! I missed you bunches... so we'll have to hang out really soon. I can't wait to hear more about it. So glad you guys got to get away. Love you friend!

Durham said...

I love your costumes. It's easier to dress up like that when a bunch of other people are doing it too. Your vacation sounds like fun!

Mark & Shalon said...

i think your next vacay should be down in my area. it's a blast here, i promise!!

Liz said...

I'm slowly working on getting Bobby futher south... haha. not to long ago he didnt ever want to go anywhere, so i'm getting there!!!