Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Swimming, Swimming, Just keep swimming...

On Sunday my sister-in-law Kelly E. (I guess I have to put E. because I have 2 sisters-in-law named Kelly :D) asked if Bobby, Bill and I would be interested in all doing part of a triathlon to support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and our lil nephew Joshy and asked me specifically to do the swimming portion! I was supppppppper excited because I've been wanting to get back into swimming for a while now. (I even had Bobby buy me a cap and goggles a while back) So this seemed like the perfect opportunity! There is a neat indoor pool in Roseville and I knew I should try and get in there to start my working out for my .6 mile swim. Just a reminder for those who can't remember... I haven't swam competitively in about 6 years. But anyways. I went and found out all the info I needed and got signed up. This morning at the crack of dawn (5am) I got up with all my goods to get ready for the day and went and swam laps for about 45 minutes! I was so excited and I loved every minute of it. I thought to myself that I wanted to not go to work and swim all day! It was awesome! But, I can totally tell I am WAY out of swimming shape. My arms were burning and I was lil short of breath. But I am determined to be able to swim the .6 miles! I smelled like Chlorine all day even though I showered, which was gross, but I'm sure I'll get used to it in no time! I'm so excited!!!
as Dory said in Finding Nemo
~ Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim, swim. ...are you my conscience?~


Durham said...

Good job Liz. I'm sure if anyone asked me to swim part of a tri I would die in the pool. I am not a swimmer, not at all.

Kimberly & Justin said...

YAY!!! I'm so excited for you! You've been wanting to swim for a long time now. Love you friend!